is sponsored by Keller and Heckman and provides a wide range of information on laws and regulations, both in the U.S. and other countries throughout the world, that affect packages and packaging materials.
Keller and Heckman’s thought leadership is curated here, including publications, podcasts, presentations, videos, and blog posts. Featured content focuses on the numerous industries Keller and Heckman serves and is authored by our attorneys and scientists.
Thought Those 300 GDPR Fines Were High? Think Again
Blog: Consumer Protection Connection
CPSC to Hold Workshop on Beta Testing of eFiling Compliance Data for Imported Consumer Pr…
Blog: Consumer Protection Connection
FDA To Hold Session on Regulation of Animal Foods with Certain Claims
Blog: The Daily Intake
Canada Establishes New Maximum Levels for Arsenic in Certain Foods
Blog: The Daily Intake
FDA Publishes 2022 Retail Food Program Standards
Blog: The Daily Intake
Walmart’s Fudge Mint Class Action Permanently Dismissed
Blog: The Daily Intake
FDA’s Marketing Denial Order Issued to Bidi Vapor’s Non-Tobacco Flavored ENDS Products ar…
Blog: Continuum of Risk
A Closer Look at China’s New E-Cigarette Regulations
Blog: Continuum of Risk
New Study on Heavy Metal Levels in Baby Foods
Blog: The Daily Intake is the premier online resource for the global packaging industry.
Partner Katie Bond to Present at ACI’s 8th Annual Advertising Claims Substantiation Conference
Speaking Engagement