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Chemicals and Plastics

Test tubes in lab
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

Technological advances, environmental concerns, and accelerated globalization are among the factors contributing to the stringent and evolving safety and environmental regulations that the chemical and plastics industries face. Keller and Heckman is on the forefront of helping companies throughout the chemical and plastics supply chain with compliance requirements necessary to market products successfully. We assist with risk management and strategy; regulatory approvals, including advice on testing requirements; transactional matters; advertising and marketing claims; product labels; product defense; and end-of-life product management.

Keller and Heckman clients range from multi-national to emerging chemical companies, resin and plastic manufacturers, and the trade associations that represent them. We work with producers of basic and specialty chemicals, as well as petrochemicals companies, in addition to companies that use plastics and chemicals to manufacture industrial and consumer products, such as packaging for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals; food additives; pesticides; biocides; fuel; electronics; and many other products. Our attorneys monitor global legislation and regulations that impact the chemical and plastics industries and advise clients about developments that will affect them.

Keller and Heckman is a leader in bringing an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving with in-house scientists who have expertise in toxicology and chemistry, including polymer chemistry. Our attorneys, many of whom have technical backgrounds, are well versed in all aspects of chemical manufacturing and production of products incorporating chemicals. Many of our attorneys also have experience working for governmental agencies that regulate the chemical and plastics industries.

Keller and Heckman’s extensive experience in the chemical and plastics industries includes assisting clients with: 

  • Obtaining new product approvals and registration for chemical substances and plastic products in jurisdictions around the world
  • Complying with the Global Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS), the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, and other international requirements for the transport of hazardous materials
  • Understanding the mandates and requirements of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) statutes, including the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act; and regulations pertaining to these statutes 
  • Mastering the complexities of the EU’s REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation and chemical control laws in other parts of the world
  • Complying with global regulations governing the use of chemicals in foods, drugs, and cosmetics
  • Understanding U.S. state laws impacting chemical substances, plastics, and related consumer and industrial products such as California’s Proposition 65 and “Green Chemistry” regulations in California, Washington, Maine, Oregon, Minnesota, and other states 
  • Meeting occupational health and safety requirements that apply to employees involved in the manufacturing, distribution, and transportation of chemicals
  • Developing strategies to prevent enforcement and litigation activities (including ones related to insurance coverage) and supporting clients when litigation occurs
  • Meeting the challenges of source reduction, recycling, biodegradability, and related advertising and promotional claims

Keller and Heckman is a leader in guiding members of the chemical and plastics industries and the consumer and industrial products companies that they serve through the full range of regulatory and legal issues that they must navigate. With comprehensive legal and scientific capabilities, we work closely with our clients to achieve market access for their products, assist in avoiding compliance issues, and provide counsel when compliance and enforcement issues arise. 

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