is sponsored by Keller and Heckman and provides a wide range of information on laws and regulations, both in the U.S. and other countries throughout the world, that affect packages and packaging materials.
Keller and Heckman’s thought leadership is curated here, including publications, podcasts, presentations, videos, and blog posts. Featured content focuses on the numerous industries Keller and Heckman serves and is authored by our attorneys and scientists.
FDA Publishes Proposed Rule Permitting Salt Substitutes in Standardized Foods
Blog: The Daily Intake
Plaintiffs Argue There is No Evidence FDA Will Act Soon on “Natural” Definition
Blog: The Daily Intake
News Alert: Public Consultation on the EU’s Tobacco Products Legislation: Comment Period …
Blog: Continuum of Risk
“All Fruit” Jelly Label Continues to be Challenged in New York Federal Court (Law360 Subs…
Blog: The Daily Intake
FDA Holds Joint Meeting on Food Safety with Mexican Counterparts
Blog: The Daily Intake
New Lawsuit Comes Amidst Push to Exclude Juice From “Healthy” Definition
Blog: The Daily Intake
Use of Salt Substitutes Expanded to Help Lower Sodium Intake
Blog: The Daily Intake
FDA Publishes Immediate National Strategy to Increase the Resiliency of the U.S. Infant F…
Blog: The Daily Intake is the premier online resource for the global packaging industry.
Partner Katie Bond to Present at ACI’s 8th Annual Advertising Claims Substantiation Conference
Speaking Engagement