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TSCA 30/30 - January 11, 2017

Wed, Jan 11, 2017
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP


Topic: The EU and U.S. Approaches  Who Does a Better Job of Assessing Chemicals?

Under the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act amendments to TSCA the U.S. EPA will be engaged in the assessment of existing chemicals that are believed to pose concerns. The European Union (EU) has been involved in a similar exercise as part of Substance Evaluation under its REACH Regulation for a number of years. The approaches taken by regulators in these jurisdictions differ substantially. This TSCA 30/30 compared and contrasted the different approaches and attempt to predict whether EPA is likely to come to different and/or better conclusions about the safety of chemicals in commerce.

Click here to view a recording of this webinar.

The TSCA 30/30 webinar will be presented by the Keller and Heckman LLP's TSCA attorneys and Cardno ChemRisk Scientists.  Keller and Heckman LLP's TSCA Chemical Control Practice Group is the leading TSCA and Chemical Control legal firm with offices around the world, Serving Business Through Law and Science®. Cardno ChemRisk is a scientific consulting firm that is respected worldwide for its risk assessment experience, technical capabilities, industry leadership, and pioneering spirit.

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