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Herb Estreicher Quoted in Inside TSCA Article on ‘Tiered’ TSCA Reporting Rule

Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was quoted in the Inside TSCA article, “EPA Sees ‘Fall’ Proposal For Long-Stalled ‘Tiered’ TSCA Reporting Rule.” The article states that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to propose the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) “tiered data reporting” (TDR) rule in the fall. The agency has continued to push back its target dates to propose and finalize the rule, which makes the TDR the most-delayed rulemaking on the TSCA agenda.

During a 2024 GlobalChem Conference session in which panelists were discussing the recent TSCA Section 8(c) data call-in for MBOCA, Herb asked what EPA “expects to get from the 8(c) allegations.”  When one of the EPA panelists replied that the information could be useful, Herb noted that TSCA requires EPA to base its “evaluations on the ‘best available science,’” and not simply allegations. 

To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).