Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on Process to Select Chemicals for Risk Review
Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on Process to Select Chemicals for Risk Review
Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article, “Process to Select Chemicals for Risk Review Proposed: EPA.” The article discusses how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposed rule January 13 describing a risk-based process it would use to identify chemicals in commerce that are high priorities for risk evaluation and low priority chemicals that do not warrant scrutiny.
The proposed rule, required by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) amendments of 2016, is designed to create what the EPA called a “gateway to risk evaluation.” The EPA would use the process and criteria in the proposed rule to make a judgment as to whether a particular chemical or group of chemicals warrants risk evaluation.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).