Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on Latest Version of Safe Chemicals Act
Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on Latest Version of Safe Chemicals Act
Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article, “Latest Version of Safe Chemicals Act Called ‘Remarkably Different’ from 2011 Bill.” The article notes how the version of the Safe Chemicals Act that a Senate Committee approved in July is “remarkably different” from the version introduced in 2011 and the bill is likely to be part of continued discussions on ways to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
The bill has “many bad ideas,” but it also has ideas “worthy of further discussion,” Herb said during a webinar held by Keller and Heckman to discuss the version of the Safe Chemicals Act (S. 847) that the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved July 25 (143 DER A-38, 7/26/12). “It is important, and I get the feeling it’ll be part of the discussion,” he added.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).