Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on ECHA Shortlisting 300 Chemicals
Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article on ECHA Shortlisting 300 Chemicals
Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was cited in the Bloomberg Law article, “ECHA ‘Shortlists’ 300 Chemicals for Possible Control.” The article discusses how hundreds of chemical manufacturers will receive notices from the European Chemicals Agency that their registered chemicals may be reviewed for possible regulatory action, the agency announced January 27.
ECHA announced that the agency has selected nearly 300 substances from REACH registrations for further scrutiny by the member state competent authorities. Nearly 1,500 companies have received or will receive letters from ECHA notifying them that their chemicals were flagged for possible regulatory review. ECHA is inviting chemical manufacturers to update their registration dossiers to address any shortcomings or provide additional information.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).