Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article About How Lawsuits on Chemical Rules Will Grow
Herb Estreicher Quoted in Article About How Lawsuits on Chemical Rules Will Grow
Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was quoted in the Bloomberg Law article, “Citizens Petitions, Lawsuits on Chemical Rules Likely to Grow.” The article notes how chemical manufacturers should expect to see more petitions from citizen groups asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate substances now that the nation’s primary chemicals law has been amended.
Environmental, animal welfare, and other organizations will likely use every provision allowed under the amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to compel stricter EPA regulation of chemicals. Those TSCA amendments required the EPA for the first time to review the risks of chemicals in commerce and made it easier for the agency to obtain the information it needs to evaluate health and environmental concerns.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).