Herb Estreicher Cited in Article on EPA Requiring Companies to Turn Over Solvents Data
Herb Estreicher Cited in Article on EPA Requiring Companies to Turn Over Solvents Data
Keller and Heckman Partner Herb Estreicher was mentioned in the Bloomberg Law article, “EPA Order Chemical Makers to Provide Data for Nine Chemicals.” The article discusses how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring certain companies, including 3M and BASF, to turn over data on nine solvents and flame retardants to help EPA determine if they need to regulate those chemicals. The agency will use the information received to decide if the chemicals are so risky that they must be restricted.
Scientists advising the court have criticized the EPA for failing to get chemical safety and exposure information to underpin its chemical decisions. Herb predicts that these criticisms will prompt the EPA to issue more test orders.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).