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George Misko Quoted in Packaging Dive Article on Walmart Broth Recall

Keller and Heckman Partner George Misko was quoted in the Packaging Dive article, “Packaging materials didn’t cause Walmart broth recall, says TreeHouse Foods.” The article emphasizes that the recent recall of Walmart’s Great Value chicken broth was not due to packaging failures.

“It’s very seldom that you see an issue with a package that causes the actual problem that requires some type of a recall,” said George. “It’s more common to see issues in the production process — that may involve the equipment that was used to package something.”

George described the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) three-tiered recall system, from Class One to Class Three. Walmart’s chicken broth recall was updated to a Class Two on January 21, 2025, after initially being listed as “unclassified.” For Class One recalls, George noted that FDA requires product manufacturers and retailers to disseminate information quickly and in a widespread manner.

Lastly, George added that there is a lot more company and public sensitivity to such matters now. “Food safety has become such a hot topic in the last decade or decade-and-a-half,” he said.

To read the full article, please click here.