David Fischer Quoted in Plastics News Article on the Chlor-Vinyl Alliance
David Fischer Quoted in Plastics News Article on the Chlor-Vinyl Alliance
Keller and Heckman Counsel David Fischer was quoted in the Plastics News article, “PVC Alliance Adds a Former Trump Official to Lead EPA Vinyl Review Response.” The article introduces David Fischer as the first Chair of the recently formed Chlor-Vinyl Alliance. The new alliance will focus on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) risk evaluation of vinyl chloride and other regulatory challenges facing the industry.
“If you want to make sure EPA is making the best decisions based on the best available science and information, you need to play an active role as early as possible,” emphasized David. “Where EPA needs help, and they'll readily admit that they need help and information, is how chemicals are actually produced. What is that manufacturing process? What does inside the plant look like? What we're hoping to do with this alliance is bring in as many sort of conditions of use and beyond to help inform EPA.”
David added that over the next couple of years, he expects “EPA will not only take a hard look at some of the decisions that have already been made on risk evaluations and risk management rules, but then also look at the regulations that shape how a risk evaluation is done, and reform those, or amend those, to kind of bring us back to the way TSCA was maybe originally envisioned.”
“The alliance is formed at an ideal time because there's going to be so much going on over the next four years,” he stated.
To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).