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David Fischer Quoted in Inside TSCA Article on EPA Modeling TSCA Regulations on Solvent Rules Instead of Asbestos Ban

Keller and Heckman Counsel David Fischer was quoted in the Inside TSCA article, “EPA Official Points to Solvent Rules, Not Asbestos Ban, As TSCA Model.” The article features insights from an official with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the Agency’s risk management rules under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). According to the official, the Agency’s upcoming rules on solvents using a whole chemical approach may provide a better indication of EPA’s future chemical risk management process, rather than its pending ban on asbestos. David questioned EPA’s justification for the asbestos ban stating, “I would strongly encourage the agency not to see bans as the default. You deal with unreasonable risk to the extent that’s necessary and there are lots of ways to get there.”  David posed the question that if unreasonable risk can be addressed with an existing chemical exposure limit as proposed by EPA, then why is a ban necessary? 

To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).