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David Fischer Quoted in Inside TSCA Article on the Chlor-Vinyl Industry Alliance

Keller and Heckman Counsel David Fischer was quoted in the Inside TSCA article, “New Industry Alliance Targets Upcoming EPA Vinyl Chloride Assessment.” The article describes the newly formed Chlor-Vinyl Industry Alliance, which was created to engage downstream users of vinyl chloride in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) upcoming Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluation of the chemical.

“We want to make sure that EPA has the best available science and information on how vinyl chloride is manufactured and processed and distributed for all the various downstream uses,” said David, who serves as chair of the new Alliance. “That’s the information that EPA generally doesn’t have readily access to.”

David emphasized the Alliance’s role in fostering collaboration among stakeholders across the chlorovinyl supply chain, ensuring EPA has access to the best available information.

“Our engagement through the Alliance with EPA could be very productive in providing them information to properly assess potential exposures, have a better sense of what's currently being used to protect workers, etc.,” David said. “So it's really to work throughout the entire process with EPA to make sure that they have what they need to fairly and accurately conduct the evaluation and make that risk determination.”

David commented that once EPA completes its risk evaluation of vinyl chloride, the coalition may broaden its focus. “This may be an opportunity for the Alliance to work more comprehensively and holistically--not just on vinyl chloride monomer but on other chemistries involved in the manufacturing process,” he explained.

To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).