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David Fischer Interviewed for Inside TSCA Article on Pushing for TSCA Legislative Reforms

Keller and Heckman Counsel David Fischer was interviewed for the Inside TSCA article, “Frustrated With TSCA Policies, Industry Readies Push For ‘Legislative Fixes.’” The article discusses the objective of a growing coalition of companies preparing to guide another round of legislative reforms to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), led by David Fischer.

“We’ve created this coalition of a bunch of chemical companies, and we’re hoping to grow it as it continues to work on legislative fixes to the current TSCA implementation situation and challenges,” said David.

“The overall goal of the Coalition is to change the status quo of TSCA implementation by advocating for specific changes in TSCA legislation and regulations,” a Keller and Heckman press release stated. “Companies affected by the EPA’s implementation of TSCA are strongly encouraged to join this Coalition. Becoming a Coalition member will ensure your concerns are heard.”

David noted there has been enough time since the last TSCA reform – eight years – to show that previous reforms were insufficient. “We should start the legislative wheels turning,” he added. “Industry needs to start thinking about how to improve upon what was done eight years ago.”

To read the full article, please click here (subscription required).