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David Ettinger Quoted in NutraIngredients-Asia Article on Food Import Regulation Revisions in China

Keller and Heckman Partner David Ettinger was quoted in the NutraIngredients-Asia article, “China to revise food import regulations: Easier access or shifting compliance burdens?” Jenny Li and Sharon Tian were also mentioned. The article notes that the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) is revising food import regulations, which will be made to “Regulations of Registration and Administration of Overseas Manufacturers of Imported Food,” also known as GAC Decree 248. David, Jenny, and Sharon pointed out that the actual impact of the revisions will depend on the execution of the regulations.

One proposed revision is to remove health foods, special dietary foods, and six other types of food from the Catalogue of Foods that Require Official Recommendation Registration Letters. "The dynamic adjustment of the high-risk food Catalogue provides GAC with greater flexibility compared to GAC Decree 248, which created a list of designed high-risk categories,” said David. “This new approach allows GAC to adjust the list as needed in response to changing domestic and international conditions without the need for lengthy formal regulatory amendments. It is possible that, in the future, global events, such as food safety crisis in another country, may have significant impact on the Catalogue, enabling authority to swiftly respond by adjusting the risk levels of certain products.”

David also urged companies to approach food authorities of their respective home countries to gain more insights. “For manufacturers operating their businesses in China, it is advisable to remain vigilant and adaptable in long-term planning and compliance efforts, as changes to the Catalogue may affect market access and regulatory requirements on relatively short notice.”

To read the full article, please click here.