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Telecom Business Alert -- Public Safety Spectrum, Cybersecurity Framework, and the IP Transition Experiments -- Vol. XI Issue 4

Public Safety Use of Industrial/Business Spectrum

In response to correspondence from the Enterprise Wireless Association and the Public Safety Communications Council, on January 14, the FCC released a letter, signed by the Chiefs of the Wireless Telecommunications and Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureaus, explaining how requests by Public Safety entities to access Industrial/Business spectrum will be handled.  The FCC said it will continue to evaluate these types of requests on a case-by-case basis, and that certified I/B frequency coordinators should ensure no suitable public safety frequencies are available before accessing I/B frequencies.  

NIST Reverses Course on Privacy/ENTELEC Webinar

On January 19, NIST described its progress to complete the cybersecurity framework by the expected delivery date of February 13.  NIST explained comments from interested parties did not support the privacy and civil liberties controls found in Appendix A and therefore will be replaced with an alternative methodology.  For those who want to learn more about cybersecurity and the NIST framework, the Cybersecurity Subcommittee of ENTELEC’s Regulatory and Technology Committee will be holding an educational webinar for Members-only on January 30.  The webinar, hosted by Keller and Heckman’s Tracy Marshall is entitled “Cyber Security Regulations: Year in Review.”  

IP Technology Transition Experiments

At its December 12 Open Meeting, the FCC’s Technology Transition Policy Task Force updated the FCC Commissioners on the status of their work.  The Task Force announced it soon will release an Order soliciting short, service-based experiments to see how the transition to an “all IP” network would look in the real world.  Registration for these experiments will be on a rolling basis, designed to create a fast process for feedback from interested parties and the FCC.  The Order is scheduled to be considered during the Commission’s January 30 Agenda.  Please contact Doug Jarrett (; 202-434-4180) for more information.

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