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Telecom Alert - FCC June Open Meeting; FCC Grant's Michigan's 800 MHz Waiver; FCC Grants Amtrak Wireless Network Waiver; OSHA Tower Safety Guide; Free State Foundation Telecom Conference; Upcoming Events - Vol. XIV, Issue 23

FCC sets Tentative Agenda for June Open Meeting

The FCC announced its tentative agenda for the open meeting taking place June 22.  One highly anticipated item is the Report and Order that will establish the standards and procedures the FCC will use to evaluate plans submitted by states seeking to opt-out of the FirstNet-AT&T network.  

The Commission will also consider a Notice of Inquiry eliciting comments on whether existing rules and regulations governing the provision of broadband and video services to commercial and residential multi-tenant buildings may discourage competition in the provision of broadband and video services.  

FCC Grants Michigan’s 800 MHz Waiver

The Policy and Licensing Division of the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau issued an Order last week conditionally granting the State’s request for a waiver of section 90.179 of the Commission’s rules.  The Order permits Michigan to share its Public Safety Communications System with DTE Energy Company and consequently enter into a non-profit, cost sharing agreement with the company.  For more information, please contact Wes Wright (; 202.434.4239).

Amtrak Granted Waiver to Deploy Wireless Network

The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology granted Amtrak a Waiver last week allowing the company to construct and maintain a wireless trackside network (TSN) within the Northeast Corridor under the specifications that apply to fixed point-to-point operation in both the 5.15-5.25 GHz (U-NII-1) and 5.75-5.85 GHz (U-NII-3) bands (Vol. XIV, Issue 10).  The waiver is subject to a number of conditions detailed in a letter sent from the agency to Amtrak. For more information, please contact Greg Kunkle (; 202.434.4178). 

OSHA Releases Tower safety Guide

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dorothy Dougherty released a joint statement announcing the release of a new Tower Climber Safety Guide.  As tower usage has increased with consumer use of wireless services, the FCC and OSHA have partnered to ensure the safety of tower workers.  For more information, please contact Wes Wright (; 202.434.4239).

Free State Foundation’s Ninth Annual Telecom Policy Conference

Last week, the Free State Foundation held their Ninth Annual Telecom Policy Conference focusing on the impact of regulation on investment and innovation.  One panel included Meredith Baker (CTIA), David Cohen (Comcast), Kim Keenan (MMTC), Blair Levin (Brookings Institution), and Robert Quinn (AT&T, focusing on the regulatory environment needed to facilitate deployment of 5G wireless technology and to ensure that all Americans have access to broadband.  All panelists agreed on the core principles of net neutrality set out in the FCC’s 2015 Open Internet Order; only Levin disagreed that the Title II classification of broadband was stifling investment.  The conference also featured a “Conversation with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai,” in which Pai discussed his overall regulatory philosophy.  The Chairman declined to comment on specific policies because most are the subjects of open FCC proceedings.

Webinar: Drafting Telecom Services Agreements: Structuring Key Provisions, Anticipating Legal Pitfalls, Mitigating Risks

Keller and Heckman attorney Doug Jarrett will be presenting on a telecommunications panel for the Stafford Online Legal Webinar July 18.  The webinar will guide business and technology counsel in drafting and negotiating agreements for telecommunication services.  

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