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Telecom Alert - Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee; February Open Meeting Agenda; 911 Location Accuracy Live Call Data Reports; Items Removed from FCC Circulation; E-rate 2017 Filing Window; Webinar: 2017 Spectrum Update - Vol. XIV, Issue 6

FCC Forms Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee

Last week FCC Chairman Pai formed a Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee (BDAC) to recommend ways to accelerate the deployment of high-speed Internet access by developing recommendations to remove regulatory barriers to infrastructure investment, including possible reforms to Commission pole attachment rules. Nominations for members of the BDAC must be submitted by February 15, 2017.  For more information, please contact Tom Magee (; 202.434.4128) or Tim Doughty (; 202.434.4271).

FCC Tentative Agenda for its February Open Meeting

Chairman Pai announced the tentative agenda for the Commission’s February 23 Open Meeting. The agenda includes Universal Service orders pertaining to the Mobility Fund and the CAF II reverse auction.    The agenda also includes a proposed order that would exempt small ISPs from the Open Internet Order’s enhanced reporting requirements.   Chairman Pai also initiated a new transparency effort in which the Commission will release the text of draft items at the same time as the tentative agenda. The trial is being conducted by releasing the current texts of two other proposed decisions set for consideration at the FCC’s February 23 Open Meeting.

911 Location Accuracy Live Call Data Reports

Last week, CTIA filed an ex parte on behalf of the four nationwide wireless carriers, explaining that they will not use the newly announced FCC Form for their 911 locations accuracy Live Call Data quarterly report.  The ex parte was filed ahead of the carriers’ submissions on February 3.  Instead the nationwide carriers submitted reports consistent with the format submitted by CTIA in December. CTIA stated “the nationwide carriers will work diligently and in good faith to modify the IT and analytic systems designed around the carrier format to align with the new FCC Form for future reports.” For more information, please contact Wes Wright (; 202.434.4239).  

Items Removed from FCC Circulation

FCC Chairman Pai has removed a number of proposed decisions from circulation (the internal review of proposed decisions by all Commissioners) that were drafted at the direction of former Chairman Tom Wheeler. One deleted item was a proposal looking to expand the eligibility for 4.9 GHz band authorizations to include critical infrastructure companies.  Two other significant items deleted were the controversial set-top box decision and the long-awaited decision on special access service rate reform that was strongly opposed by AT&T, CenturyLink, and USTelecom. 

E-rate 2017 Filing Window

The filing window during which schools and libraries may post their Forms 470 (requesting bids for category one and category two services) for Funding Year 2017 opens on February 27, 2016 and closes on May 11, 2017.  All Forms 470 must be posted on the USAC website for at least 28 days.  For additional information, please contact Tim Doughty (; 202.434.4271).

Webinar: 2017 Spectrum Update

On February 16, 2017, Keller and Heckman will be hosting “Webinar: 2017 Spectrum Update”.  There have been a number of recent changes to FCC spectrum policy and more changes are coming in 2017.  The FCC will implement a new framework for the 3.5 GHz band and may propose new rules for the 4.9 GHz band.  Changes may be on the way for 800 MHz and the Commission may seek input on the future of the 900 MHz land mobile band.  This webinar will detail those and other spectrum issues, highlighting bands of potential interest for critical infrastructure companies. For more information, contact Greg Kunkle (; 202.434.4178), Wes Wright (; 202.434.4239) or Tim Doughty (; 202.434.4271).

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