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Telecom Alert - 2019 Predictions- Vol. XVI, Issue 1

The FCC’s August 2018 Pole Attachment Order will become effective, and communications attachers will disagree with utility pole owners about what the new rules require, what they allow, and how they should be implementedTom Magee, Partner

Expect the General Access (unlicensed) tier of the 3550-3700 GHz CBRS band to become available in early 2019.  The Priority Access tier may not be auctioned until 2020, but the proceeding to set auction procedures should commence by mid-2019.  Greg Kunkle, Partner

There will be a lot of 9-1-1 developments at the federal and state levels in 2019!  I expect the FCC to continue promoting consumer access to 9-1-1 through text, routing, MLTS, and reliability proceedings; I hope Capitol Hill will build on momentum for federal NG 9-1-1 funding; and, finally, I believe individual state PUCs will continue clarifying their role in regulating the 9-1-1 network in an IP world.  Wes Wright, Partner

There were seismic shifts in data privacy in 2018 with the entry into force of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and enactment of the California Consumer Protection Act.  Privacy issues loom large on the Congressional agenda for 2019, with many expecting the introduction of comprehensive national legislation.  It will be important to keep an eye on the evolving landscape in 2019.  Tracy Marshall, Partner

The Commission will continue its efforts to encourage 5G deployment by creating opportunities for commercial users.  The question remains whether similar attention will be given to critical infrastructure spectrum requirements.  Critical infrastructure companies will need to advocate for spectrum resources while at the same time working to preserve current allocations like the 6 GHz microwave band.  Tim Doughty, Partner

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