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Another FirstNet Milestone

As seen in The National Law Review

Another marker passed on the FirstNet roadmap last week as Capability Statements from bidders interested in building, operating and maintaining the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network were submitted March 31, 2016. Final bids are due in less than two months, on or before May 13, 2016.

FirstNet has clarified that submission of a Capability Statement is not a prerequisite to submission of a bid. However, it is unlikely that any serious bidder would choose not to take advantage of the Capability Statement process, which is designed to provide feedback from FirstNet prior to the submission of a nationwide bid.

The significant interest generated by its Request For Proposal (“RFP”) prompted FirstNet to extend the initial due dates for the Capability Statements and the bid submissions. FirstNet received over 400 questions seeking clarification of various parts of the RFP.  In record speed, FirstNet provided answers to questions on a variety of topics including vendor payments, financial sustainability of the network, rural coverage requirements, priority access and state plans.

Perhaps the best indication of the interest generated by the RFP is the number of companies requesting inclusion on a partner/teaming list. This list identifies interested entities looking to be part of a nationwide bid, as suppliers of products, services, and/or facilities. Over 600 entities are listed, including integrators, cable TV companies, rural telecommunications providers, electric utilities and numerous consultants. While there is no guarantee these entities will be included in any nationwide bid, the large number of companies looking to participate underscores the high interest in the FirstNet opportunity.

Of course, the key to success is for a prime bidder to come forward with both the ability and the resources to meet all of FirstNet’s objectives for the network. From recent trade press reports it appears that FirstNet will receive a number of meaningful competing bids. Stay tuned.