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Webinar: Impact of FDA's Final Nutrition Labeling Regulations

Tue, Jun 21, 2016
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

FDA has published its long awaited nutrition labeling regulations. These new regulations not only transform the way nutrition information will appear on the label they also impact the claims that can be made for certain foods.

The final rule revising the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels (1) updates the list of nutrients that are required or permitted to be declared; (2) provides updated Daily Reference Values and Reference Daily Intakes; (3) amends requirements for foods represented or purported to be specifically for children under the age of 4 years, pregnant women, and lactating women and establishes nutrient reference values specifically for these population subgroups; and (4) revises the format and appearance of the Nutrition and Supplement Facts labels. In addition the rule now provides a new definition for “dietary fiber”.  

The final rule revising serving sizes (1) changes Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACCs) for certain foods; (2) creates new reference amount categories and reference amounts; (3) amends the definition of a single-serving container; and (4) requires dual column nutrition labeling for certain food containers.

The June 21st webinar reviewed the changes set forth by these new regulations and the impact these changes will have on your products.

For more information about this webinar, contact