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Webinar: FCC Continues Tower Enforcement: "Know Your Tower ABCs"

Thu, Apr 17, 2014
Telecom Towers
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

On April 17, 2014, Keller and Heckman LLP attorneys held a complimentary one-hour roundtable (“Know Your Tower ABCs:  FAA, ASR, NEPA, FCC, SHPO, TCNS, OSHA”) to discuss the many regulatory obligations associated with construction, operation, and maintenance of antenna towers. In addition to a multitude of FCC, FAA, and EPA requirements, the webinar considered OSHA’s recent focus on employers who build, own, and maintain communications towers. 

For EPA questions, contact Trent Doyle (; 202.434.4161). For FCC or FAA questions, contact Greg Kunkle (; 202.434.4178). 

To view the webinar slides, please click here.