Partners Ales Bartl and Herb Estreicher to Present at the Regulatory Summit Europe 2025

Keller and Heckman Partners Ales Bartl and Herb Estreicher will present at the Regulatory Summit Europe 2025, hosted by Enhesa, to be held on 7-10 April 2025 in Brussels, Belgium.
Ales' first presentation, "Update on European PFAS litigation and supply chain engagement," will provide an overview of recent PFAS litigation in Europe and supply chain engagement, including substance identification and preparedness for substitution. His second presentation is titled "Current and upcoming restrictions of hazardous substances/materials in packaging."
Herb will be speaking on the topic "PFAS in North America: PFAS under fire in the US Courts— Canada takes on PFAS," which will discuss how to defend against U.S. litigation involving products containing PFAS and preparing for Canada’s PFAS risk management plans.
Keller and Heckman is a sponsor for this event. For more information about the program, please click here.