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July 30, 2015 Quarterly Employment Law Aftermath Webinar

Thu, Jul 30, 2015
©2025 Keller and Heckman LLP

Offered quarterly, The Employment Law Aftermath with Manesh Rath highlights the most impactful employment law developments in the past ninety days in OSHA, labor, employment, and wage and hour law, monitoring both case law nationwide as well as federal regulatory and statutory proceedings. 

For over eleven years, in-house counsel from over eighty companies have been attending -- and returning -- to the quarterly Employment Law Aftermath series.

Topics that were covered during the program:

1.  Supreme Court decision reviewing EEOC’s duty to engage in conciliation efforts;

2.  Labor Department’s recent interpretation on independent contractors;

3.  National Labor Relations Act Ambush Rule and Its Impact;

4.  Labor Department’s proposed narrowing of the salary basis test under the Fair Labor Standards Act; and

5.  Critical Supreme Court decision affecting court deference to agency rulemaking.

To view this presentation, please click here.